Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Stop Shoes From Rubbing Ankle


Updated: June 23, 2010


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Summary Skills

1) Training : Business School, management.
2) Experience : Organisation and prevention.

3) Animation: speaker, course facilitator.
4) Computers: Inventor of 4 prevention software.
5) Languages: Bilingual French - English.
6) Edition: Books, magazines.
7) Writing : Author, translator and columnist.
8) Graphics : drawings and models.
9) Games : Authors, specialist collector.


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Author of the following games:


Publisher: Ferti (2006 )
For: 2 to 5 players
Target: Children

This friendly plush fluorescent product compound has been developed in collaboration with another author (Jean Georges). This is a game of observation in which participants must catch one of the bugs by the end of its tail. But beware, the tails become entangled and confusion abound. ______________________________________________________________________

Publisher: Gigamic (2005)
For 2-6 players
Target: Families

In this new format of the game QUIVIVE, players manipulate rockets trying to reach galaxies. As each round of galaxies disappear, sucked into a black hole, each must find a place to stay in the last space (which in this case is not infinite but is reduced gradually ...).


Publisher: Games on a tray (2004)
For 3-6 players
Target: Families

Published Insert the magazine "Games on a plate" No. 15, this game is innovative because it relies on intuition and not the players on their thinking. Unfortunately, due to an error model, only half of the cards was printed in the magazine. Therefore buy two copies of the magazine to be able to play.


Publisher: Tilsit (2001)
For 2-6 players
Target: Families

Participants exchanged cards to form an army of Middle Ages (knights, archers, crossbowmen ...). With its troops, each player can storming castles. Next we must defend not to lose it before the end of the game.


Publisher: Tilsit (2000)
For: 3 to 6 players
Target: regular players

The game's most complete range because it uses skills as a negotiator, manager and strategist. The objective is to acquire precious stones to fill an order of the Grand Vizier. Many players are disturbed by the fact that this principle allows for multiple winners at the same time.


Publisher: Tilsit (1999)
For 2-6 players

regular players Players are the organizers of games of the circus in ancient Rome. At each performance, the boos or the cheers of the crowd determines the success or failure of the event. This game is full of very little serious anachronisms and wacky situations. It seeks to trigger more laughter than thought.


Publisher: Gigamic (1998)
For 2-5 players
Target: Families

Based on a simple principle: I move my pawn on a podium and I take the podium to limit the displacement of others, this is a game widely played in game library. The giant version (80 cm) is the most enjoyable of all. Originally, the equipment accounted for penguins on an ice floe melts gradually.


Publisher: Tilsit (1997)
For 3-6 players
Target: regular players

This was the first game published by the company Tilsit. Its mechanism is based on the promises and betrayals appeals to gamers of alliances. His politically incorrect theme (the colonial exploration in the nineteenth century), actually a rarity prized by collectors.


... and ... three prototypes sent to international competition for creative Boulogne Billancourt games have reached the level of finalists:

Contest: Boulogne Billancourt (2004), ranked finalist
For 3 6 players
Target: Families

A humorous card game in which players try to steal chickens out to conquer the heavens. The higher the volatility, the larger they relate to points, but more likely it is crashing like a pancake.

Contest: Boulogne Billancourt (2005), ranked finalist
For 2 players
Target: regular players

A good dose of strategy is needed to win this race turtle. Each participant is a pawn on one of these animals to move forward. The player with the most pieces of their color on the turtle topped wins.

Contest: Boulogne Billancourt (2008), ranked finalist
For 2 players
Target: families and regular players
An evolution of the first GALAPAGOS with changes in rules and two game levels (for families and for experts). ___________________________________________________________________

volunteer member of the team of writers and developers of video games following:
Publisher: Cheops (2004)
Target: Family
Publisher: Cheops ( 2005)
Target: Family

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Book Author - translator
The mysterious book of the afterlife,
published by the Garden of Books, Paris, 2005.

1st edition: 2005, 2nd edition, 2006.

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Magazines professionals

Author of articles or interviews:

prevention of road risks, Legislative Publishing, April 2008 .

Reducing risk traffic log The mayor, in May 2006.

Risk Assessment Road, with Risk No. 417, Nov. 2007.

At L'Oreal, Prevention in the company No. 341, March 2005.

Total deploys the steamroller, Prevention in the company No. 338, September 2004.

RMC France, an internship effective Prevention in the company No. 336, May 2004.

effect Sarkozy spent the filter business, Les Echos, December 8 2003.

On way of prevention, CEC magazine No. 90, September 2003.

Eurovia committed against the risk road Flowing No. 114, March 2003.

5 actions to reduce road risk, Monitor, 24 Jan. 2003.

companies have made prog Flowing No. 109, May 2002.

80% of automobile accidents could be avoided Business Action No. 218, 2002.

Road Safety, a business issue, with Risk No. 380, February 2002.

EDF brought down the number of accidents, Flowing No. 108, March 2002.

prevention plans in company Prevention in the company No. 317, December 2001.

Road safety focuses on companies, brokerage Review No. 755, Jan. 2001.

Digne les Bains, forget not the common risk Flowing No. 97, May 2000.

See and be seen, Vigilance No. 119, Sept. 1998.

Prevention among Pinault Distribution, Prevention in the company No. 302, Sept. 1998.

When companies focus on prevention, prevention in the company No. 301, July 1998.

policy Finally, the ostrich buried Auto Decision No. 14, July 1998.

Towards a comprehensive risk management, Prevention in the company No. 300, May 1998.

Dashboards, Prevention in the company No. 299, March 1998.

Analyzing the accident? Prevention in the company No. 298, Jan. 1998.

Implement a security structure, Prevention in the company No. 297, Nov. 1997.

How to guide the driver?, Prevention in the company No. 296, Sept. 1997.

Involving Direction, Prevention in the company No. 295, July 1997.

The actual cost of damage traffic Prevention in the company No. 294, May 1997.

Prevention intelligent Prevention in the company No. 292, Jan. 1997.

The high cost of road accidents, Western Mail, 5 November 1996.

All for my prejudice, with Risk No. 327, Nov. 1996.

Chavigny Transport Prevention in the company No. 291, December 1996.

security component of quality Bulletin of the Rouen Chamber of Commerce No. 528, Nov. 1996.

Prevention, all companies have to gain, Safety and Occupational Medicine No. 112, July 1996.

The challenges of prevention, Action Auto Moto No 27, September 1996 .

Businesses in turn Le Midi Libre, 29 November 1996.

Businesses way to prevent Flowing No. 70, December 1995.

Managing risk movement, Action Motoring No. 19, October 1995.

The company and the risk road, with Risk No. 316, Oct. 1995.

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Magazines game
Author of the following items:

Enigma: Dico Dingo, GAMES ON A PLATE No. 57, 2009

Enigma: Stats liter GAMES ON A PLATE No. 56, 2009

Enigma: Special children GAMES ON A PLATE No. 54, 2009

Enigma: Tri-gate, GAMES ON A PLATE No. 52, 2008

Enigma: Candles and bigot, GAMES TRAY # 51, 2008

Enigma: Rally on skates, GAMES ON A PLATE No. 49, 2008

Riddle: Question orientation, GAMES ON A PLATE No. 48, 2008

Puzzle: Numbers and letters GAMES TRAY No. 47, 2008

Enigma: Sardines in balance, GAMES ON A PLATE No. 46, 2008

Enigma: Nine new pipes, GAMES ON A PLATE No. 45, 2008

Enigma: SOS to the oasis, GAMES ON A PLATE No. 44, 2008

games of the 80s (part 2), GAMES ON A PLATE No. 44, 2008

games of the 80s (Part 1), PLAY ON A PLATE No. 40, 2007

History whoops, GAMES ON A PLATE No. 33, 2006

Intuition in games, GAMES ON A PLATE No. 15, 2005.

Spellfire , DRAGON MAGAZINE No. 22, 1995.

Drakomega (Part 3) , DRAGON MAGAZINE No. 14, 1993.

Drakomega (Part 2) , DRAGON MAGAZINE No. 13, 1993.

Drakomega , DRAGON MAGAZINE No. 12, 1993.

Strategy for Africa 1880, SPACE GAMES No. 3, 1999.

Africa 1880, SPACE GAMES 3, 1998.

games room, SPACE GAMES 3, 1998.

Perodua, SPACE GAMES No. 2, 1997.

Magic The Gathering , SPACE GAMES No. 2, 1997.

Perudo , SPACE GAMES No. 1, 1996.

Magic The Gathering , SPACE GAMES No. 1, 1996.

Review Game: The loot from grandpa , casus belli No. 117, 1998.

Review Game: Cristal , GRAIL No. 25, 1990.

hostels in the role play , GRAIL No. 14, 1989.

Game Review: Killer , GRAIL No. 15, 1989.

Demons in the role play , GRAIL No. 13, 1989.

War machines in the role play , GRAIL No. 12, 1989.

Love in the role play , GRAIL No. 11, 1988.

guide gambling shops in Paris , GRAIL No. 10, 1988.

Scenario for the game James Bond: Golden Goddess , GRAIL No. 9, 1988.

picking gooseberries in the role play (parody) GRAAL HS No. 3, 1989.

Help Game: The remains of the characters , GRAIL HS No. 2, 1989.

Help Game: Riveperle , the leprechaun 6, 1986.

Help Game: phoenicis, the leprechaun No. 5, 1986.

Magic in role play, the leprechaun No. 5, 1986.

Help Game: Chantegrive , the leprechaun 4, 1986.

Help Game: The Mermaid , the leprechaun 3, 1986.

Help Game: Bagatelle , the leprechaun No. 2, 1986.

Mercenaries in the role play , the leprechaun No. 2, 1986.

Help Game: Hauterre , the leprechaun No. 1, 1986.


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Illustrations for the magazine JSP

Illustration for the magazine : The great battles of history

Illustrations for the magazine: Grail

layout artist and illustrator magazine's "Grail" (monthly simulation games).

See examples below.

illustrator for the book series: The great battles of history.

See example above.

Formatting media conference (Powerpoint)

See example above.

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Knowledge of all functions Word and Powerpoint .

Regular use of Excel (non-programming).

2003 : Designer software "Marion", for the statistical treatment of accidents.

1999 : Designer software "Eliot", commissioned by the SMABTP for statistical processing of motor claims.

1995 : Software Designer "Crystal" for the statistical treatment of accidents.

1993: Member of Team software "Gerisk" for the statistical treatment of accidents.

1988: Use of the first PAO tools for carrying magazines.

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Example Of A Disconnection Letter


Bilingual French - English two years in the USA (1987, 1988).


Animation seminars in English for the Total group.

Plays in English and holidays USA


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1992 - 1994 : Manager section of the monthly games "Distant Lands" (puzzle, riddle, puzzles ...).

1988 - 1989 : Editor numbers out - the magazine series "Grail" dedicated to simulation games.
Occasional No. 1: Special Tolkien
Occasional 2: Special Lovecraft

Associate Editor of the monthly numbers for 10 numbers.

1985 - 1986 : Founder amateur publications in the field of role-play
"Runes" (9 issues) and "Fafadet" (7 numbers).

1984: Author comics published in a regional magazine, "Contrejour"

(2 issues).


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In 2006: Presentation television programming on TV Ark, thematic channel devoted to topics spiritual.

Since 2002: Animation Course risk prevention program for executives,
provided for EFE (Edition Formation Entreprise), Paris.

Since 2000: Animation Course road risk management program for executives, taught at the National Center for Prevention and Protection, Vernon.

Since 1996: Lectures in the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Analects of Insurance, in seminars and in companies in France and Tunisia.

Since 1995: Animation Course risk management for road safety engineers, taught at the Caisse Régionale d'Assurance Maladie, Strasbourg.

Since 1986: information booths in salons fun (Paris), the literary salons (Brive, Nancy), and the salons of prevention professionals (Paris).


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since 1995
The Road Safety Training , 75008 Paris.
manager of business services.

design content of the services offered to businesses:
1) The diagnosis of risk (accident analysis and procedures).
2) The board in the management of risk (for framing).
3) The training (for drivers).

Meeting with prospects and development of business proposals.

Implementation of road risk diagnoses. Organisation findings friendly entry and processing statistical data. Drafting of the analytical report and recommendations. Directed

days of consulting to manage risk. Empowered as IPRP, acting in Occupational Risks.

Organization of training courses for drivers. Selection of the facilitator, preparation and monitoring intervention.

Monitoring targets per project (reduced frequency of accidents).

Billing services.

Technical support of all departmental committees of road safety in their work with businesses and communities. Travel throughout France.

Writing numerous articles in the press.

The representation of Road Safety Education in the seminars.

Guest: Eurovia, Total, L'Oreal, Aventis, municipalities, Arcelor, BASF Coatings, brokers, transporters, Citroen, Bayard Presse ...

from 1992 to 1995
SAGER, 78 Rocquencourt.
risk management consultant, project manager.

Achieving diagnosis road risk in business. Facility tour and interview officials. Report writing and presentation of analytical findings to the client.

Preparation and realization of the days of Council road risk management.
Animation steering group charged with preventing the customer.

Organization courses for drivers, coordination of assistance from trainers.

Tracking changes in the number of accidents.

Clients: EDF-GDF Rouen and Caen, road hauliers, bus companies, Sandoz, Bouygues ...

from 1989 to 1992
Progress Team, 92 Neuilly sur Seine.
Consultant organization.

study the organization of production sites and drafting recommendations.

Post Comments and analysis of information flow. Research and implementation of solutions to increase yield and reduce manufacturing costs.

Guest Gel 2000, Findus, Creams Mont Blanc Pic'Or, Herta ...


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1987 – 1988 M.B.A. (Master in Business Administration), 1 an,
spécialisation management.
University of Hartford, Connecticut, USA.

1986 – 1987 B.S.B.A. (Bachelor in Science and Business Administration)
spécialisation management.
University of Hartford, Connecticut, USA.

1984 - 1986 IFAM (French American Institute of Management)
finance, marketing and management.
75015 Paris.

2005: authorized as IPRP (Intervenor in Occupational Risks).
