Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Kohler K 3386 Toilet Seat Screws

Pulau Macan

Where is it?

bah an island! no, two actually, since Pulau Pulau Macan and coupled with Tiger in front, completely virgin islands play deserted.

but still?

The island is small (capacity: 30 people max), pretty, and part of a broader eco-tourism. Even if the idea is a little (bcp) marketing, and there is room for improvement, initiatives are real (compost for the garden the garden, soon solar panels and wind turbines for electricity) and original ( wood used for construction of huts, stools and another was recovered among the many things that wash up on the island (and unfortunately, they do not find that wood! but it is cleaned since it has absolutely nothing came of polluting the clear water and white sand).

level beds, places rather charming:

The concept is nice because it's not just spend a lazy weekend - composed of swimming, snorkelling, browsing, nap, chill-out - but also to meet people. We had the chance to be in a group of 25 people, eclectic in terms of nationality, age, social status, and character with some nice people that we really enjoyed meeting. Apparently, one can not speak of "luck": Roderick (manager, a good guy nice to the course interesting) that sustains us in 98% of cases, groups are cool and osmosis takes just as much. It is primarily around meal together, according to the affinities that these exchanges are - to extend the sunset and then late at night on the deck watching the stars and remake the world.

Details of major importance: the point of honor to cook good meals and good snacks - based naturally fresh fish, but also fruit and vegetables, plus bread to cereals, pancakes and nutella! mouiiiiiiii - and it may even be let go in the kitchen with personal income.

short, the place is worth a visit even if the weekend is short and not give (allow 120 euros / person for the gin-drinkers to and Bintang).

More information:

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Grandma Flat Floor Plans

Dieng Plateau (VC)

Dieng is a volcanic plateau located at 2,000 meters altitude, home temples, crater lakes and sulfur. It is part of the standard tourist routes of Central Java. People generally find it is super good, not good at all. So it intrigued me ...

Thursday, 5:30 to train to Semarang in "Executive Class", although installed. The train passes through the middle of rice paddies in the middle of nowhere. It's not going very fast but it goes fast. We do believe that some peasants at work. It's quiet, it's beautiful.

In Semarang, a well-rotted old bus as we like.
is less comfortable than the train. No air conditioning. And above all, the bus does not leave the starting city until it is crowded. Then we shoot in Semarang to be sure I pick up all the idiots who take the journey, even if they do not go very far (you can ask the bus stop anywhere). My neighbor said bus offered me her daughter to marry. Thank you sir, that's okay.
I'll spare you the details of the merchants who pass through the vehicle to offer their various products, and music players to the short week that interpret versions of murdered Indonesian tubes scrounge for a few rupees.

After 5 hours of steep roads, I arrived here in Wonosobo, altitude nice little town, near the Dieng plateau. But it is already past 18H, more buses to my destination. Dodo then.

The next day I get to a road well after Dieng sport in a minibus loaded with people, bags of rice and other commodities of all kinds.

's it, it curdles! I settle in a small losmen (inn), and I go a little ride. Nice atmosphere. Temples, a crater, a sulphurous lake and another lake, then another crater. Well, OK. Dodo to 21H, it's quiet up there.

Saturday morning, we go for a visit to the Dieng OTHER! I rented a bike for the day (4 euro including petrol). I get lost in the rice fields and small villages. A few kilometers from the tourist site of Dieng, people often do not seem to see the tourists go, if one believes their surprise at the sight of a white man in the corner (or so it was just because of my quickdraw to bike?). While I was a pause, a guy calls me and, pointing my camera, asked me all smiles: "Mister, You Give to me OK?".
I walk the roads at random and paths to a corn called "Batur". The beautiful landscapes of mountains, rice fields and rivers and the atmosphere of the site, remind me of the beautiful region of Sapa in Vietnam ...
After I got home.

Dodo 20H, although flat, full of beautiful images in his head.

I conclude Sunday morning with the sunrise on Dieng, nice.

Then we go for the minibus until Wonosobo (which this time lugging pieces of cardboard to recycle), then the bus to Magelang (where I experiment for the first time on long distance buses standing - but not top less bad than I feared) and Yogyakarta, where I strolled to my last afternoon. It's raining but it does not matter, it's soft under a thin rain Yogya ...

last anecdote in the departure hall of the airport of Yogyakarta: a concert version occasions tubes Indonesian fair (soundtrack synth + + 2 flashy singers), all at high volume, it only needed the refreshment . Each time there was announcement on the planes, the group suddenly stopped playing ... then resumed where he left off a few seconds later ...
Fun but a little late in making use of the weekend.

Plane, taxi, sleep.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Funbrain Online For Wii

Baduis Country (VC)

Rangkasbitung Branch, West Java, with tears, with Yacine. There, it seems that there are tribes that live in the jungle, remote from any who refuse technology, who do not speak Indonesian, and everything. Oh yeah?

It starts with the train Ekonomi. 2h30 folk to 2,000 rupees (0.15 euro). Human chaos in a train that travels amid scenery so calm ...

Arrive Rangkasbitung so. Meals, gathering info proves quite difficult. You end up still found a body and a guy who wants to lead us, zou! Cisemut direction. It sinks in beautiful rice fields.

On the road there is work. When it's like that in Indonesia, there is always a man to collect on as a thank you for repairs, and a girl shouting into a microphone to the attention of passing cars: "Please, spin us sub !. This time, as we passed, the girl in question has goggled eyes as we passed, and stopped his speech to howling still in its saturated sono "Hey, hey, ada bule, ada bule!" ("Hey, hey, there are white, some white !!"). Indonesia delicious ...

Cisemut, peaceful village so far away ... No hotel, it is hosted in private homes. Bad pick (or picks so good in it became funny), the guy was kind of annoying that the first was afraid it was lost in the huge megalopolis of 3 blocks and 200 souls, so he followed us everywhere. Stroll through the peaceful rice fields out of sight at sunset. The kids swim in the river, ask us to take a picture ... It really is just 150 km from Jakarta ... Or deep in Lombok?

The next day Ciboledger direction. Equally charming village on the outskirts of the forest baduis (tribes foo stuff, you follow?). It's raining but it does not matter, it's sweet ... 5 hours walk in the jungle with a guide that walks barefoot where it fails to break the figure with hiking shoes ... River crossings with or without a bridge, visiting villages ... We have not had not lied, no electricity, no running water, few people speak Bahasa Indonesia. But a few cans of coca sad anyway ...

baduis Dodo in a house, land. It's not very comfortable but we made it. The next day, last ride, this time under the sun, then back to Jakarta ...

3 days out of the oven: it feels good to breathe.

Friday, February 29, 2008

What Dragon Ball Zepisode Did Vegeta And B

If one were to summarize in two words that region (sumatra barat)

- Women 'power, yeah : Women take the pants, the wallet, the refrigerator .. . EVERYTHING! Finally an intelligent world ... Long live the matriarchal!

- Some roofs beautiful, evoking buffalo horn

(for the record, just words Minang Minangkabau (victorious) and Kabau (buffalo) and the legend " a dispute between the Minangkabau and a neighboring prince of Majapahit . To avoid a battle, the people had offered to fight to death two buffaloes, each representing one party. The prince led the largest aggressive and buffalo, but the Minangkabau rusèrent bringing a baby buffalo hungry, whose horns had been cut so as to be as sharp as knife blades. Seeing the adult buffalo in the middle of the field, the baby ran toward him hoping milk. The big buffalo saw no threat from the baby he paid no attention, seeking an opponent to the measure. When the baby looked fumbled seeking a possible breast, he was mortally wounded buffalo and brought victory to the Minangkabau people. "thank you wikipedia!

cuisine Padang

Very appreciated Indonesians is one of the spicier cuisines (with that of Manado), provided that you cry your race if you do not like that! Genre Indonesian tapas is served as small portions, you take the entire map to the restaurant table, you only pay what you eat (the plate). Among the specialties: rendang (beef stew), eggplant with chilli, deng-deng (dried beef) and other tricks of liver, heart, and I do not know what ...


Not much to do in this town nice and quiet, apart from big ben to Indo, report a very good Chinese restaurant: the Mona Lisa with a reproduction of Madame Mona Lisa on its walls and a grimy wonton soup terrible!

The Valley Harau

Wedged between huge cliffs orange-brown, Valley Haurau (a 30aine km from Padang) is a haven of tranquility only monkeys chatter disturb their impressive! The only place to spend the night there is a corner charming: ECHO Homestay (0812 6730 609), with traditional house and staff really nice.

500 people live in this valley as we walk through rice fields, villages, and waterfalls


Neither stem nor root, nor leaf, c is still a flower - and even the largest of its kind in the world (up to 1 to 1 kg and m wide).
Statistically, you should see your ass edged noodles to see : They are found in the forests of Sumatra, Malaysia and the Philippines and they live only 18 months after 8-10 days to hatch!

Lake Maninjau

After 46 turns, beautiful view overlooking the lake - not as nice as Toba in my eyes, but very nice anyway. Tower Lake (70 km ) cycling, walking, pijat with the Ibu the corner, it's a great place to relax and forget the noise and smells from Jakarta .. We particularly like Narrow passage to borrow muddy rice paddies and water buffalo to get to the homestay (In Arnel)

Nice walk in the jungle that leads to the rice fields with a tremendous view over the lake. Experienced but can not sleep in the middle of nowhere (the halfway point of the trip lasts 1h30 walking well) in the "ANAS homestay" - for the fans of leeches!

the same Anas that saves you from apoplexy with a crumb junk that takes more than 40 minutes to cook, but that is more than worthy of urban warungs

The beaches of the coast

Although large, well cleans for Indonesian standards, always with local fishermen and onlookers club tumbling out of nowhere in no time movements when it comes to quell bule .. Black sand, you can still see the white patches on the opposite, that look nice ... well for the next time!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Kathyrn Beich Confections

Batukaras In Minangkabau country, the beach tearing his race (by DG)

This small fishing village about thirty kilometers west of Pangandaran, southwest of the island of Java, is reached after about 6-8h car from Jakarta which is still not the best practice, I wonder how I can go 10 times a year ... This short introduction
without lubricant called a few questions (Hého questions! )

Beach Batukaras just (coincidentally, that's good, huh?)

So why go there?

- The surf spot very "user friendly" pointbreak sandbottom fairly regular, and the right place that long, long ... like something that would be a long kind between 200 and 400 + I would say all the surrounding spots (Bulok Benda, Reef Batu hiu, Batu Mandi ...)

A photo in one of warungs
Excellent for beginners wave surfing
- His laid-back atmosphere to cool at the beach, it's quiet, the dogs bicker, the local fish, surf, play guitar and take the blood cells from sunburn ... it will hit her little warung at bawal bakar, relaxed glans everything.
- Its attractions such incrédibeuls the green canyon, the bamboo bridge, Batu Hiu or reserve Natural Pandgadaran.

- Her little drunken night out at the Bintang or arrack cheap, it ends quite often on the beach at 4am to crack his fox in the waves. The place is also quite famous for its magic-mushrooms, and we would have seen Billy the Kick in insanity and the kids spend a short stay.

Yes I know is balèze, I figure LV2

How to get there?

By car: From
Jak ', take the toll Bandung direction and follow through Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Jateng (not a city but the abbreviation Jawa Tenga, Central Java) and Banjar, Pangandaran and Parigi, and finally Cijulang Batukaras (between 6 and 8)

By bus: Take bus
Kampung Rambutan to Pangandaran, then another until Batukaras (between 8 and 10h)

It seems feasible that an airplane but I never did because of tariffs, it is possible to rent a small Cuckoo private Halim towards Nusa Wiru, then bus to Batukaras. I was informed, I think it is around 200 usd / h

Why not go?
- Avoid it if you are a fan of Kuta Beach or you like to spend your weekends in trendy club, there's nothing to Batukaras just sinners, 3-4 hotels, a surf shop, 3 warungs, 1 mosjid and basta
- Avoid if you're sick in the car, y 'of the road that zig-zag
- To be avoided during the holiday of Ramadan or it gives it