Sunday, May 11, 2008

Grandma Flat Floor Plans

Dieng Plateau (VC)

Dieng is a volcanic plateau located at 2,000 meters altitude, home temples, crater lakes and sulfur. It is part of the standard tourist routes of Central Java. People generally find it is super good, not good at all. So it intrigued me ...

Thursday, 5:30 to train to Semarang in "Executive Class", although installed. The train passes through the middle of rice paddies in the middle of nowhere. It's not going very fast but it goes fast. We do believe that some peasants at work. It's quiet, it's beautiful.

In Semarang, a well-rotted old bus as we like.
is less comfortable than the train. No air conditioning. And above all, the bus does not leave the starting city until it is crowded. Then we shoot in Semarang to be sure I pick up all the idiots who take the journey, even if they do not go very far (you can ask the bus stop anywhere). My neighbor said bus offered me her daughter to marry. Thank you sir, that's okay.
I'll spare you the details of the merchants who pass through the vehicle to offer their various products, and music players to the short week that interpret versions of murdered Indonesian tubes scrounge for a few rupees.

After 5 hours of steep roads, I arrived here in Wonosobo, altitude nice little town, near the Dieng plateau. But it is already past 18H, more buses to my destination. Dodo then.

The next day I get to a road well after Dieng sport in a minibus loaded with people, bags of rice and other commodities of all kinds.

's it, it curdles! I settle in a small losmen (inn), and I go a little ride. Nice atmosphere. Temples, a crater, a sulphurous lake and another lake, then another crater. Well, OK. Dodo to 21H, it's quiet up there.

Saturday morning, we go for a visit to the Dieng OTHER! I rented a bike for the day (4 euro including petrol). I get lost in the rice fields and small villages. A few kilometers from the tourist site of Dieng, people often do not seem to see the tourists go, if one believes their surprise at the sight of a white man in the corner (or so it was just because of my quickdraw to bike?). While I was a pause, a guy calls me and, pointing my camera, asked me all smiles: "Mister, You Give to me OK?".
I walk the roads at random and paths to a corn called "Batur". The beautiful landscapes of mountains, rice fields and rivers and the atmosphere of the site, remind me of the beautiful region of Sapa in Vietnam ...
After I got home.

Dodo 20H, although flat, full of beautiful images in his head.

I conclude Sunday morning with the sunrise on Dieng, nice.

Then we go for the minibus until Wonosobo (which this time lugging pieces of cardboard to recycle), then the bus to Magelang (where I experiment for the first time on long distance buses standing - but not top less bad than I feared) and Yogyakarta, where I strolled to my last afternoon. It's raining but it does not matter, it's soft under a thin rain Yogya ...

last anecdote in the departure hall of the airport of Yogyakarta: a concert version occasions tubes Indonesian fair (soundtrack synth + + 2 flashy singers), all at high volume, it only needed the refreshment . Each time there was announcement on the planes, the group suddenly stopped playing ... then resumed where he left off a few seconds later ...
Fun but a little late in making use of the weekend.

Plane, taxi, sleep.