Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Desperate Housewives Why Reruns

Around the World Animal

With Grandma Mireille we visited the Zoo Beauval.
A nice family day in a beautiful park ....

extraordinary animals, hugs, fierce, peaceful .....

A show of sea lions and raptors that makes eyes full .....

And for all of them, a small plug (habitat, habits .....) and the continent on which they live represented!

Hey look, it gives me an idea of activities to offer children the way home ....

animals around the world

the puzzle of the continents, maps names to readers and a basket with various animals, maps "self-corrective"

know how to identify and name continents, the names of animals in the basket
Ask the child to place Label names of the continents if the reader or continents to appoint non-readers.
Take an animal into the basket, say his name, think and put the continent on which he lives.
Do the same with all animals.
Nota Bene: this photo was an error, because I photographed work Louan .... Looking good! Obviously, no errors during the presentation that allows for saving the animals and their living!
Take a sheet self-corrective. Show the continent that corresponds to the puzzle. Take each animal landed on the continent and place them on the corresponding images of the plug. Propose the child to do the same for other cards.
Ranger animals in the basket.
Suggest to the child to regain the continent on which they live.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Brent Corrigan Andbent Everett

Mapping the World ....

Here is an extension of the jigsaw of continents.
This is to paint his own world map. The child begins by drawing two circles on a large white sheet.

Louan positioned by locating the continents on the puzzle.
Then Louan trace the outlines of continents in pencil.
Then he painted the ocean blue. "Mommy there's a lot more ocean than continents," he says to me. So I jumped at the chance to tell him that according to location their location on the globe, the oceans do not all have the same name. "Ah, then there are other oceans as the Atlantic Ocean in which I bathed?" Yes. We look on a map just now to find the names of other oceans.

Louan painted the continents with the corresponding colors.

The child places the label names on the puzzle, check their answers (on a map puzzle of pre-populated with the names of continents and oceans) and then refer the names of continents and oceans its own map.

And here's the result!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Best Cleanser Neutrogena, St Ives,

Understand how words are formed .... The jigsaw of continents

I take my vacation for "blogging".
Here are several activities around the words to help children understand the words and play with them.

Compound words


miniature objects: for example a door, coins, key .....
1 image d'un porte monnaie
des étiquettes avec des noms écrits en noir : Radical (2 times) + door, coin, key, tier, cap, bat, mouse, box, box, luggage .....
labels written in red purse, compound word

"Today, if you want, I'll show how to make magic with words. Taking two words, one can bring up a new one. You want to see how? "

Lay the door on the left on the shelf and the right currency.

Take the labels and currency black door and ask the child to read and place them under the objects that these words mean.
Move slowly until the objects they touch. Move slowly
labels to form the word purse.
Ask the child to read the new word formed. Show
objects and ask the child whether or not the board a purse.
Return items to their original position and put together the picture of the purse.
Replace labels and currency under the door and placing objects in the middle of the word labels wallet written in red on a label.
"You see I've created a new word with words and currency concerns. They say it is a compound word because it is made from several words put together to make a new one."
Place the label compound word above the word purse and labels radical above door and currency.
Invite the child to do the same with objects and labels and door key.

Extension No. 1: make the child two columns "radical" labels with words. Ask them to assemble form compound words. Place the label compound word between the two columns.
Extension No. 2: Ask the child to draw two words (eg a bat and a mouse) and draw underneath the compound word thus formed (bat)

Extension 3: game of "who am I?

On one side of a label, write a sentence describing a compound word. On the front, write the answer.
I am a machine that washes the dishes. Who am I?

I am used to carry luggage on a bike. Who am I?

The suffixes

A tractor and trailer
labels written in black (radical, fiddle, flower, tooth, sports home .....)
labels written in red (suffix ist, ist, ist, ive, ette ......)


Invite the child: "I'd like to show you a new way of making the words" Take

tractor. Explain that if it was a real tractor with an engine, it could travel alone. "Will you show me how to move a tractor in the fields?"

The child takes the tractor and rolled.

Take the trailer and ask the child: "Is that the trailer has a motor that allows him to travel alone in the fields?" No she does not. "How did the farmer to move a trailer?" He hangs the tractor. "Come on, attaches the trailer to the tractor. The trailer has no power to move alone. It must be attached to the tractor for movement. "

Allow children to operate tractor and trailer.

Place the tractor and trailer at the top of the carpet or table.
Invite children to read more words (fork song .....) and place them in the top left column. "Are these words mean something by yourself?" yes
"These words are called radical. They may be the cause of other words. The radical is like the tractor, he did not need other words to mean something. "

Place the label" radical "over the column formed by all these words.
Show labels iste , ette, eur, if .... to the child who reads them and puts them right column.
"Do these words mean anything?" Non
"If you hang them to a radical, those groups of letters will create a new word."
Let the child discover how to attach these letters (before or after a word) by manipulating two labels (eg singing and eur).
"These groups of letters are called suffixes. They are like the trailer. Only, they mean nothing, but if they were attached to the back of a word, they form a new word." Place the label suffix
above the right column.
Invite the child to form new words with all these labels.
Invite children to find words that contain suffixes.

Extension: putting all the labels containing the same root. For example: song, singer.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sony Dvp-sr200p Power On Problems

Today, I'd show you another way to represent our world and its continents. You agree children?

globe continents
The puzzle of continents
cards in 3 parts of continents
guide out puzzle piece representing the continent in which children live.
He asks a child if he sees that continent on the globe. The child shows the continent. It offers the child to touch the outlines of the continent on the globe and then the puzzle piece. This is the same. To check one last time, we superimpose the puzzle piece on the globe. Each child does the same if desired.

We do this with all the other continents .....
The guide asks: "How did it take this flat world?"
Luan quickly found the explanation to this mystery ..... Was cut in half the globe and was put in the puzzle, flat. That's why it's the same! So we had to cut some continents (Antarctica, Asia) that is why there are more pieces of the puzzle to the same continent.

Louan is the puzzle under the watchful eye (and eager) to his sister.
's my turn now!
Mmmmmm! Not so easy this puzzle!

is continued by a three-time lesson on the names of continents

For readers, we associate the pieces with nomenclature cards. The same image, then the name of the continent.

child checks the response with the third card.
Other activities will reinforce these learnings ...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What Happens When Women Masterbates

activities to count ....

Florence resumed his passion for numbers and counting.
Some of the activities (not all montessori) proposed at this time
red bars and blue (it continues .....)

rough figures
same time, I presented this material in Florence.

This is a lesson in three.

was isolated 3 digits.

first time: one key figure (as in rough letters), it invites the child to do the same, then when he finished his sensory exploration, called the number. We did the same with the next two and then repeats the whole story (we touch each number, we invite the child to do so and we called the number once received)

2nd time: Show me one please, in order, then in no particular order, then in order by moving figures and finally in the mess by moving figures .

third time: what's this?

We find the same interest for rough letters, the child sees the figure, it touches him trace the outline with your finger, he hears his name. A multi-sensory journey that facilitates the storage of its shape and its name.

Writing numbers through this beautiful book slate

A little game: counting the small fish

First we find the fish with the same pattern as the box on which rests the seal.

They account .....

are fished the same number of small blue fish and they are laid on card counting. The first to complete their card wins!

Lotto numbers and colors :

A very complete game that grows with the child. First we associate the cards according besides the colors.

Then there are the little chicks and chickens.

Finally we sort the cards in quantities of 1 to 5.

We stopped there for now, but you can order the cards from 1 to 10, to associate their number, make additions ....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tota Bilirubin Levels 1.30

for Vacation

Louan goes from grandpa and grandma to 5 days.

"Mom, I could prepare my suitcase myself?"
After a few seconds of thinking about how I'm going to take to help him do it alone, I give him that little extra step towards autonomy.
I would prepare a short list of what to take. He corrected by adding the snorkel and fins (ben mom anyway, how could you forget the snorkel and flippers !!!!)
Louan looks at his list, go get the clothes in the wardrobe, check his list.

When he installed everything on the bed, he checks one last time, folded what needs to be folded, puts everything in his suitcase under the tender gaze of Grandma (and Mom).

Happy holidays my son!