Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What Happens When Women Masterbates

activities to count ....

Florence resumed his passion for numbers and counting.
Some of the activities (not all montessori) proposed at this time
red bars and blue (it continues .....)

rough figures
same time, I presented this material in Florence.

This is a lesson in three.

was isolated 3 digits.

first time: one key figure (as in rough letters), it invites the child to do the same, then when he finished his sensory exploration, called the number. We did the same with the next two and then repeats the whole story (we touch each number, we invite the child to do so and we called the number once received)

2nd time: Show me one please, in order, then in no particular order, then in order by moving figures and finally in the mess by moving figures .

third time: what's this?

We find the same interest for rough letters, the child sees the figure, it touches him trace the outline with your finger, he hears his name. A multi-sensory journey that facilitates the storage of its shape and its name.

Writing numbers through this beautiful book slate

A little game: counting the small fish

First we find the fish with the same pattern as the box on which rests the seal.

They account .....

are fished the same number of small blue fish and they are laid on card counting. The first to complete their card wins!

Lotto numbers and colors :

A very complete game that grows with the child. First we associate the cards according besides the colors.

Then there are the little chicks and chickens.

Finally we sort the cards in quantities of 1 to 5.

We stopped there for now, but you can order the cards from 1 to 10, to associate their number, make additions ....


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