Monday, November 30, 2009

Church Sample Contribution Letter

Matches this weekend


The U10 clashed pm Saturday school players Louis Hippolyte Lafontaine, a heartbreaking defeat as victory has drawn on several successive individual errors.

However, nice out of the defensive zone have been executed, bravo continue.

Sunday, called for the U10 tournament Dec. 12, had the opportunity to face the Griffons U11AA Outremont. Landslide victory of the latter but the score 4-0 at half time did not reflect the actual performance on the field. Indeed, beautiful combinations of scoring chances and unfortunately three individual errors allowed the Griffins to sea.

Again, congratulations do not let go, you have shown very good qualities.

good week.


Friday, November 27, 2009

Roman Mercury Costume

Clinics, 15 and 22 November

The U8 November 15 Cristian Nunez, a former player for the Montreal Impact, and U12 November 22 Antonio Ribeiro, player of the San Jose Earthquakes in MLS, took advantage of very good advice given by these two players.


November 15, 2009

Standing from left to right:

Cristian Nunez, Elliot, Fabio, Loïc, Thomas, Tristan, Joseph.


Daniel, Nicolas, Felix, Maximus, Leonard, Alexis and Enzo.

November 22, 2009

Standing on the right: Antonio Ribeiro

Standing from left to right:

Yohann (assistant coach) Adnan Salah, Michael, Victor M., Raoul, Samuel, Paul-Emile.

Squatting from left to right:

Dante Titouan Thomas, Aiman, Mateo, Tomas, Victor R., Keanu.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How To Take The Flem Out Of A Baby

red and blue bars, then ....

bars mathematics is a looooooongue history, I must say quite chaotic. It began there in February 2009.
Meanwhile, Florence has also found the rough figures. For data, it was faster and after a month, she amused to recognize all the numbers she saw during our walks with Eden, our dog. But the bar did not interest not really. Put in order, so no problem since it had already ordered the red bars before, but learn to name them with the lesson three times ..... definitely not this does not interest him. She stayed locked up the bar 6 has completely abandoned the bar but not the numbers. I decided to follow him in suggesting activities more fun and less Montessori (see here) then a month ago, she came back to me with the bar and asked me: "This is how seven? " Within days, the bars were named 7,8,9,10.

I'm gone the next step: associate numbers and bars.

labels are proposed to the child numbered 1 through 10 because the rough figures, it's too big.
bars mathematics
A frieze of figures from 1 to 10 in paper.

Presentation: bars and numbers in order
The guide places the labels in order to top the table or carpet and left right. He puts down the bars in any order and asks the child to install them from largest to smallest (top down).
Then he asks the child to count the first bar and asks "what is it?". Is "1" replied the child.
"Will you take the label where it says 1 and place it next to a bar?"
The child runs and we did the same until 10.

This step is simple but oh so necessary to memorize the association between the quantity and writing.
Florence was difficult to order the labels from 1 to 10 in the correct order (she placed them in the correct numerical order, but from right to left) as she used One strip of paper to verify the order. If you are observant, you will see that 9 is upside down .... It says nothing, it is touching again the figure 9 in the rough days and gradually, the child will build a good representation symbol. Never noticed her errors to a small child. He will report to rectify itself and when he's ready. But give him the means to self-correct.
Once the bars associated with the figures several times (repetition is important and should be spontaneous), we may propose alternatives to further embed the learning while remaining entertaining.

variants: the bars in the figures and order in the disorder.

or numbers in order and disorder in the bars

And Miss in action ....

As always, everything is very progressive and montessori child takes the time to really involve an amount in written form.
Following this work, I presented the time and the concept of zero, but it will be another post.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Cocaine And Tight Chest

The passage of time .....

Florence is very interested in passing time. Since about a month, I've made this little material from the book #

Every day it changes clothespin place. This allows it to locate in time: it Saturday we go to the pool. Saturday is in three days. That Wednesday I went to see grandpa and grandma. Wednesday was yesterday. Here we are again this morning ....

She also begins to read the time (the hour hand only for now) since she can read the numbers.

course learning the passing of time does not happen overnight.

From infancy, I tried to follow a daily ritual by explaining to children the day's program. In the morning we get up, then have lunch, then we washed and dressed, then we play or we go to school and it's finally lunch. The morning is over, now we are in the afternoon. First there is the siesta and then we taste, we play a little, then it's bath time, we eat, we wash our teeth and go to bed. Now it is night, we sleep.

This allows the child to identify gradually in the course of the day.

I also used the sequential images. You will find in abundance here:

The child learns to order the elements in time ( pre / post) and look the other way he represents himself the passage of time in space (from left to right).

I also regularly tells their life to children, supporting photographs that I order from left to right. They love it. So they see that they were baby learned to walk with 4 legs first, then standing, they have grown up ..... to become the child they are today. This is a first approach to the concept of "past".

We also talk about seasons. I have a little game of bingo as Florence likes especially around the seasons. We observe the changes of nature in every season, we talk about events related to the seasons (Christmas, birthday, major holidays, picking apples ...)

When my daughter spotted well in time of day (morning, afternoon, evening), and she has a passion for days of the week but with some difficulty to find, I offered this table. She uses and enjoys spontaneously orient themselves in time. I think that during the year, I'll show her what a month creating a frieze of the month from ephemerides (calendars that these small caterpillars strip every day ....). When she returns to a large section, it is likely to be ready to use the beam time (this was certainly the case for his brother) and she discovers what actually one year - a true miracle Montessori for his big brother when the beam was spread along the corridor. He exclaimed: "It's long like that, one year !!!!!!" beam and used his two years in a row with a real fun (especially when it counted the days between it and a big event).
In image, the beam Louan:
I can not wait, but that is another story, do not rush things, Time goes so fast already!