Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How To Take The Flem Out Of A Baby

red and blue bars, then ....

bars mathematics is a looooooongue history, I must say quite chaotic. It began there in February 2009.
Meanwhile, Florence has also found the rough figures. For data, it was faster and after a month, she amused to recognize all the numbers she saw during our walks with Eden, our dog. But the bar did not interest not really. Put in order, so no problem since it had already ordered the red bars before, but learn to name them with the lesson three times ..... definitely not this does not interest him. She stayed locked up the bar 6 has completely abandoned the bar but not the numbers. I decided to follow him in suggesting activities more fun and less Montessori (see here) then a month ago, she came back to me with the bar and asked me: "This is how seven? " Within days, the bars were named 7,8,9,10.

I'm gone the next step: associate numbers and bars.

labels are proposed to the child numbered 1 through 10 because the rough figures, it's too big.
bars mathematics
A frieze of figures from 1 to 10 in paper.

Presentation: bars and numbers in order
The guide places the labels in order to top the table or carpet and left right. He puts down the bars in any order and asks the child to install them from largest to smallest (top down).
Then he asks the child to count the first bar and asks "what is it?". Is "1" replied the child.
"Will you take the label where it says 1 and place it next to a bar?"
The child runs and we did the same until 10.

This step is simple but oh so necessary to memorize the association between the quantity and writing.
Florence was difficult to order the labels from 1 to 10 in the correct order (she placed them in the correct numerical order, but from right to left) as she used One strip of paper to verify the order. If you are observant, you will see that 9 is upside down .... It says nothing, it is touching again the figure 9 in the rough days and gradually, the child will build a good representation symbol. Never noticed her errors to a small child. He will report to rectify itself and when he's ready. But give him the means to self-correct.
Once the bars associated with the figures several times (repetition is important and should be spontaneous), we may propose alternatives to further embed the learning while remaining entertaining.

variants: the bars in the figures and order in the disorder.

or numbers in order and disorder in the bars

And Miss in action ....

As always, everything is very progressive and montessori child takes the time to really involve an amount in written form.
Following this work, I presented the time and the concept of zero, but it will be another post.


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