Sunday, December 13, 2009

Chevy Tahoe Body Change


Master Louan my attention the following difficulty: Louan not known classify verbs.

That the remediation work we've done together.

We reread the lesson and we have summarized on red labels (color of the verb):

1 label for each group on which is written the 1st group, 2nd group, 3rd group.

Then I pointed out that all Louan verbs (from lists of verbs) of the first group ended with "er". We have indicated on a label we've placed under the label "Group 1".

uis Louan noticed that all of the 2nd group verbs ending in "ir". We have noted a label we have placed under "the second group." Same for the third group except that we needed 3 Tags: ir, oir, re.

Distinguishing ir verbs in the 2nd group 3rd group of people? I then remembered the rule and have written a summary on the label.

Then the back of each label "ending" I put a code auto-fix (a point for the first group, two for second, 3 for 3rd)

I then mixed the labels Luan termination and asked to place them by group, then self-correct.

Once the exercise is performed correctly, I proposed a series of labels for different groups of verbs (with the back of the system point auto-fix) that I put up the carpet. I took one, I read the word aloud to sleep. The verb ending with ir. I can put it in the second group. I check: we sleep. I do not "Isson. So it is a verb of the 3rd group. After several labels, Luan took over. Then returned the tags to check his work.

Note: the verb "go" is an exception since it first but ends up the third group. The child finds out by itself during the self-correction and memorize.


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