Saturday, March 27, 2010

Waterproof Mechanics Gloves

Faris Pan Japa: Visit countries Sunda

Called the Paris Van Java by the Dutch because of the sweetness of life that prevailed there, Bandung, was destined to become the capital of the East Indies in the 30s.

Bandung is a mythical city, because of its history, its culture and its symbolism: after an economic center of the Dutch occupation and a strategic challenge on the chessboard of the Cold War, Bandung symbolized with the Non-Aligned Conference in April 1955, the emancipation of former colonies compared to traditional great powers (to Nehru's speech in French: Paris Van Java, it was this independent spirit, refractory, which, combined with a particularly creative arts scene and vibrant, became a source of inspiration and hope for an entire country.

Today, it remains a vibrant cultural scene and still protest, whatever somewhat locked into the straitjacket of the underground, but it's ultimately what makes his interest. Punk Rock scene in particular, with bands like Black or keras kepala Boots is probably the most interesting countries.

Bandung is also the cultural capital of Tanah Pasundan the Sunda country, former Kingdom of Pajajaran, which runs from the western tip of Java to the limits of Central Java in the East. The Sunda country is characterized first by a very strong cultural identity distinct from the Javanese culture, of its history, its traditions, its music, its language.

The Sundanese is one of the most widely spoken languages of Indonesia, used daily by nearly 30 million Indonesians. As

Javanese, Sundanese includes several levels language, adapted to the context and the interlocutor. The familiar and the Sundanese Sundanese Sundanese and the formal (or polite) can be very different








dahar ..

tuang ..

neda ..


inum ..

leueut ..


tulis ..

serat ..


maca ..

maos ..


poho ..

hilap ..


InGeT ..



leumpang ..

Papah ..

Bahasa Sunda finally is mainly characterized by a tendency to inter-change the V, P, and F.

My first experience was this fancy semantics face left me puzzled to say the least. I had just arrived in Indonesia and Indonesian begin classes.

My Professor, Pak Budi, I learn the vocabulary needed for presentations, and said in English:

- Hi, my name is Budi, I'm Japanese.

I watch with great wondering eyes full of skepticism and misunderstanding

- There is something you do not understand?
- You, Mr. Budiman, with your mustache and your head of Bajaj Bajura, you'll I do believe you're Japanese?!
- Yes, yes! I'm Japanese, my parents are Japanese, you can not Be more Japanese than me

Since it looks a little annoyed, I smile and say

- You speak very good for a Japanese Indonesian

He looks at me with a frown and answers, after a pause:

- Of Course, I'm Indonesian!
- Are you laughing at me? You Just Said You Were Japanese!
- Oohhh, I see ... no, no, I'm from Indonesian Jafa. Is The Japanese name of "People Who lif in Jafa. Plo Do You Understand?
- Whateper dude ...

The confusion of v, p, and f is available to all the sauces and affects all social classes, the taxi driver who reassures his client, saying: "No worry Mister, I go paster, you did not late airfort, "said the prostitute and his famous" How Much you gip me? "the university professor and AVOCADO discussing a case praudit piscale. Could you it

an entire people being hit with dyslexia, or would it all agreed to just to piss the world? Neither

dyslexia, language or conspiracy. Sundanese language has only 16 consonants in fact, whose f and v are not. The use of Sundanese are still highly prevalent in the lives of all days compared to Bahasa Indonesia, the f and v are replaced by a p. What I can not understand yet, so the p is replaced him with a f ...

Anyway, all that to say that the Sunda country is one of the many wonders that Indonesia us offer a fascinating culture and beautiful landscapes that offer memorable getaway.


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