Sunday, September 9, 2007

Cost Of Racquetball Court

Exclusive: The beautiful province of Aceh (FV by the missionary)

course, Aceh is a conflict of several decades, it is a tsunami that left nearly 200,000 dead ... but Aceh is much more than that, it is a culture reminiscent of its past grandeur, the gateway of Islam in Asia, a commercial and cultural center fixture in the Aceh region ... it's a region many of whom are unaware of the attractions and beauty, too busy being afraid.

I really feel that the further away from Jakarta, the greater the chance to discover beautiful corners ... it's true EAST Flores and Papua, Aceh and al ' West is no exception to the rule ... the island of Sabang, Lake Takengon, the Leuser park ...

After this little introduction - for which I am commissioned by the tourist who longed to be listed on this blog, where attendance was greater than that of the rest area in Montelimar a weekend of August 15 would, according to legend, pushes the editors of Backpacker's Guide and Lonely Planet suicide - I will focus on two aspects of Acehnese culture that may seem insignificant al'homme little taste I hope you do not:

The cafe Aceh and Dodola ganja ...

Coffee is an institution in Aceh in Aceh ... it is what football is to Brazil, which the Sauerkraut is in Strasbourg, that boredom is the evening of Montbeliard: a lifestyle.

Coffee is THE place for recreation in Aceh, we will spend hours discussing all sorts of things, from politics to sports, but also to smoke, a lot, and laugh ... well, you can relax, laugh, and it has comfortable flatulation of snapping the elastic Gerard Klein's underwear ...

And what about this nectar has filtered the sock? I wish I had the charisma and eloquence of Johnny Haliday to sell you the qualities of coffee I like, but I'll just say I did not like the coffee has arrived in Aceh, and I drink it now 2 liters per day and that too should not piss me off ...

And what about the coffee Solong, the temple of cafe, tempat Nongkrong the Ulee Kareng (UK for short) ... and nothing bin is a place that lives and does not tell

The Dodola ganja

The Ganja Dodola illustrated above and one of the local culinary delights decorated with marijuana, an ingredient commonly used in cooking traditional Acehnese.

Petit interlude cultural, because this blog is also a place of culture. "Ganja" is an ancient city of Azerbaijan, also known as the Elizavetpol (during the period of the Russian Empire) or Kirovabad (during the domination of the Soviet Union), or is not the famous poet Nizami; Ganja but the term of interest here does not refer to the Azeri culture, no no, far from there, make no mistake. It speaks well of the plant here odorous properties which are laughs ....

So the Dodola ganja, an integral part of the Acehnese culture, comprises 50% of ganja though robust, peanuts, and sweet stuff. It is traditionally distributed to guests at village meetings ... I also advises people suffering from sleep disorders.

The Dodola, which some also call "the blow" tends to send large as the experts say ... A scenario is needed to illustrate the effects :

After a hard day's work, I was home watching Bioskop transTV quietly tranquillade a base, I'm waiting for my film of Jackie Chan, I ask anybody anything, I'm so peaceful and zen Mahatma Gandhi ... and, friends arrived with a cake that smells good, but not exactly the Holy Albrais.

Very sweet, gelatinous texture that sticks to teeth, not ecstasy but not really yucky either, it goes well with coffee ... well, we discuss, we made a joke and puns, and after an hour, I tell myself it is still a little light this "Dodola ganja, then resume at one end. ... ben zor go, has a homely, arault on Dodola ...

Well took me wrong, a quarter an hour later, the ground begins to be less palpable, my chin weighs a ton, so I can not speak and even to shut his mouth ... in a superhuman effort worthy of Steve Austin, I'm going to bed and I sleep 24 hours ...


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