Thursday, September 24, 2009

Activacion Premiere 1.5pro


Yesterday, we took advantage of good weather to do a little laundry family ....
An activity that I loved child ....
two basins
mild soap flake or liquid
a cloth
a washboard
a mop bucket
a plastic Talier
Know pour water from a pitcher into a basin, a basin in a bucket, ie wipe the floor with a mop, know how to use clothespins.
Install the pans on a table, a bucket underneath. Ask the child to don her apron to avoid wetting clothes. Pour hot water left in the bowl, cold water in the basin on the right, with the pitcher.

Pour a handful of soap flakes and stir until the flakes are melted. It makes a nice white water.
Dip the cloth and rub it on the washboard.


Rinse in the second bowl (the right). Note that the work is done from left to right (direction of writing), take the laundry in the basket, then washed into the basin on the left and then rinsed in the right.

Empty contents of bedpan into the bucket. Empty the bucket of its water dirty. Wipe up any puddles of water with a mop. Wipe pans with kitchen towel. Put all materials in his place.


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