Tuesday, July 20, 2010

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Diving in the heart of the Middle Ages and figures

This summer, at the invitation of a friend, we spent a day Sagonne at a medieval festival. Some good moments of this dive in the heart of medieval life ....

Attend a tournament

Take a lesson in writing to the reed ...

Observe how the ratings were made of mesh ....

See the blacksmith and

his forge ....

and end up a memory with a "real" knight in shining armor! Thanks Delphine

for this beautiful day!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

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cartons with the numbers 1 to 10 Numbering over 55

beans or chips identical


The child discovers even numbers and odd numbers.

When is odd, the door is closed ...
When is even, the door is open!

Adults asks the child to install the card numbers in numerical order from 1 to 10, and from left to right. Then the adult

tip number 1, it takes a bean in his hand and said, "1". He puts the bean in the figure 1. He points to the figure 2, takes 2 beans "1, 2," in his hand and has the number 2 in taking care to make two columns. He points to the figure 3, takes 3 beans in his hand "1 2 3" and has under item 3, by 2 columns. The third bean will be "closed door" and will be placed between the two beans below. So on until 10. He arranges the beans, then invites the child to do the same. Once the child completed, the adult asked him to read the whole story. He points to the figure, "said one dragging his finger to the bean. The finger can slip beyond. The adult says 1, the door is closed. He did the same for 2, but the finger slides past two beans. He said "the door is open". So on until 10. Then he invites the child to do the same.

Once the child to handle several times without error and equipment, he said, you know, when the door is closed, it says the number is odd. When the door is open, it says that the figure is even. He reread the story, replacing " the door is open "by peer and" the door is closed "by odd. It offers the child to do the same.

The child knows how to handle without error bars and digital time. He knows how to place the numbers 1 to 10 in numerical order from left to right. If this is not the case, first to work the numbers alone. The child check his work with a digital tape on which figures are written, it unfolds and place below his numbers.

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I see with my little eye .....


A tray, objects or figurines
For children, we start with 3 items starting with the same initial sound. Then 3 objects beginning with a different sound, and clearly distinct from each other (donkey, parrot, dog, for example: who sings a vowel, p Farting much hp and breath).


develop phonological awareness of children


The adult will seek the tray with the child. They settled at a table or carpet.

first time : name and realize that the word begins

The child chooses an object on the tray. The adult says the name by emphasizing the first sound. Eg "sssssss" ssssanglier. The child repeats if desired. So with 3 items from the board. There are 3 items starting with the same sound (wild boar, snake, deer, for example). No matter the letter, which interests us is the first sound of the word.

second time: The adult tells the child "Now we do a little game I see with my little eye, something that is on this plateau and begins with the sound" e "." The child thinks and is "momentum." For starters, it can not be wrong (3 objects beginning with sounds identical). Then you can mix 3 objects with two different initial sounds and then three.

If he is wrong, the adult does not say, he took the child so that he corrects himself. For example, with 3 objects beginning with different sounds on stage, the child says rabbit (for the object that starts with the sound e). The adult asks, "is a éapin?" That's a lot my daughter laughing in general. And it corrects itself. "Noooo, a rabbit."
- So what I see on this plateau that begins "EEEEEE"
- Elan!

3rd time: increases the difficulty. We will put 6 items on the plate (with two initial sounds and then 3 different initial sounds), then 9.

Finally, I see you're playing with my little eye something that begins with the sound "ssssssss" in the room in the house, garden, restaurant, car .... When the child is at this level of difficulty, we can offer him the letters in rough parallel.
We continue the game "I look with my little eye" by increasing the difficulty. I am looking for an object that begins with the sound "ooooo" and ends with his "year" on a plateau (????) then you've found in the room. At this point we can begin submitting dictations and dumb alphabet mobile if the child masters the rough for the first letters dictated.
The child already has a very extensive vocabulary and speaks correctly. He knows
the names of objects that are on the board.
Once they started talking, I offered trays of language, consisting primarily of familiar objects (objects of the toilet, soap, toothbrush ...., clothes .... ) and then a little less (flowers, forest animals, sea transport etc. ....). We present the board with the lesson in three.
Puzzles of zoology and botany lessons at three times the sensory field, maps of classifications also allow the acquisition of vocabulary. Talking with your child, read books together, playing roles or imagination can improve syntax (because it's not just the vocabulary!).
Just one last thing, but how essential!
When your child makes a mistake, do not say no, do not resume. Luan told me "There's Grouillard this morning."
I replied, "Yes, indeed, what b rouillard!"
That is enough for the child realizes his mistake and corrects himself, while maintaining self-worth.
A very well done book that allows the child to find the sounds in the pages of the book (and to associate the letter but we shall see later): The extraordinary
Primer Balthazar.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

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Vertebrates: Vertebrates


the 5 puzzles livestock Montessori (horse, fish, turtle, frog, bird)

1 basket with animals


Optional: a first step, I moved to Florence to mix all the pieces of puzzles and restore them ....
She then placed the animals under the basket it was birds, reptiles, mammals etc ...


The child has already handled the puzzles separately. He knows differentiate vertebrates invertebrates. He is passionate about animals (my daughter wants to be a veterinarian). He can name the animals and the basket has already been observed. He knows they have feathers or fur, scales or bare skin.

A visit to the zoo? the museum of natural history?
Sort diurnal and nocturnal animals.
Pets and wildlife
Make a little book on the 5 categories of animals, photos or images to support.

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classification or invertebrate?

Earthworms .... for those who are not afraid to pick up these little beasts!
A basket containing various objects or images depicting possible if each class of vertebrates and invertebrates
2 carpet
1 bone (to represent the vertebrates), nothing for invertebrates (or a label vertebrate and invertebrate label)

The adult prompts the child. He asked the child to touch his bones. It makes him feel his spine and gave him the name. The adult affects the spine of the child and said he has several vertebrae that form the spine. The child repeats if desired these new words. The adult then shows him earthworms. "You see, these animals have no spine. They have no spine, and no bones. "He lets the child see how to move and manipulate the leaves if desired.

Then the adult will try the set with the basket and carpet." There all kinds of animals. Some of the bones, some not. We'll find out together. "

Then, the presentation is as for animal / plant, a bone being placed on top of a carpet.

At the end, when one reads the whole story with the child , specifies that the adult animals that have bones called vertebrates and those who do not invertebrates.


The child knows
- sort of animal-plant
name the animals contained in the basket
- what a bone, it has already observed small skeletons animals in nature or natural history museum. He is aware of his own skeleton (it has already affected his bones, having X-rays of the human body)

Monday, July 5, 2010

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animal or plant? Sort

A basket containing various items or images of the plant world ( Fruit, vegetable, cereal, tree, flower, herb, mushroom ...) and the animal (vertebrates and invertebrates)
an animal or a written label "animal" to represent the animal world
a plant or written label "vegetable" to represent the plant world
2 moving
The adult will collect material. It has carpets. It poses an animal on top of one of the carpet and said "animal". He puts up a plant on the other belt and said "plant". It takes an object into the basket and carefully examined. Then put it on the carpet correspondent. He did so with each of the basket and then moved the child to "read history". It names the animals placed on the carpet and animal responds to any questions of the child. Florence asked me why the shells were animals. It was enough to show him some pictures of shellfish with their inhabitants so that she understands that the shell is that the house of the animal. The guide does the same with plants. It arranges the items in the basket and moved the child to do alone.

The child knows sort objects. He already knows
distinguish the living from the nonliving.
He is interested in nature.
He knows the names of objects in the basket and has already seen "real" when visiting the zoo, in aquariums, sea, in the forest, in the country ....