Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What Do Initials In Football Positions Mean

classification or invertebrate?

Earthworms .... for those who are not afraid to pick up these little beasts!
A basket containing various objects or images depicting possible if each class of vertebrates and invertebrates
2 carpet
1 bone (to represent the vertebrates), nothing for invertebrates (or a label vertebrate and invertebrate label)

The adult prompts the child. He asked the child to touch his bones. It makes him feel his spine and gave him the name. The adult affects the spine of the child and said he has several vertebrae that form the spine. The child repeats if desired these new words. The adult then shows him earthworms. "You see, these animals have no spine. They have no spine, and no bones. "He lets the child see how to move and manipulate the leaves if desired.

Then the adult will try the set with the basket and carpet." There all kinds of animals. Some of the bones, some not. We'll find out together. "

Then, the presentation is as for animal / plant, a bone being placed on top of a carpet.

At the end, when one reads the whole story with the child , specifies that the adult animals that have bones called vertebrates and those who do not invertebrates.


The child knows
- sort of animal-plant
name the animals contained in the basket
- what a bone, it has already observed small skeletons animals in nature or natural history museum. He is aware of his own skeleton (it has already affected his bones, having X-rays of the human body)


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